Thursday, January 31, 2013

a heart of worship

Earlier this week, as we were running errands, I had my favorite worship song on in the car.

When I lost my first baby, I would lock myself in my office at work and play this song over and over and just cry and worship.

I continued to listen to the entire album when I was pregnant with Evie. And when she was colic and crying endlessly in those early months, I would hum and sing this same song to her. Over and over.

Worship has always been a huge part of me. I am so moved by music and I feel the presence of God so strongly in times when I let my whole heart, mind and spirit worship. It's always a very emotional experience for me and it stirs my soul in the very best way. And I want that for Evie, too. The desire to teach my daughter to worship has been heavy on my heart lately. I want her to sing with abandon and not care what anyone else around her thinks. I want songs of praise to come out of her mouth without a thought, because that's what she hears and because that's what's in her heart.

... for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Luke 6:45

So I have been trying to be more intentional with my worship, in front of my daughter. She takes it all in these days and mimics so much of what we do and say. I want worship to be a part of our everyday life... as normal as eating breakfast and pulling every single book off the shelf and terrorizing the dog.

And so because of this desire, I can't express how happy it made my mama heart when I realized that Evie was singing along with me in the car. Her sweet little voice knew the words. And she may not realize quite yet that she is praising and giving glory to Jesus, but He knows.

And so do I.

I pray these words burrow down deep in her heart. That she never forgets them, that she finds herself singing them mindlessly. Until the day when she realizes what she is singing, who she is praising and how important these words are.

The spirit now living and dwelling within me
Keep my eyes fixed ever upon Jesus' face
Let not the things of this world ever sway me
I'll run 'till I finish the race

Now unto the lamb who sits on the throne
Be glory and honor and praise
All of creation resounds with the song
Worship and praise him the Lord of Lords
Holy Lord
You are Holy
Jesus Christ is the Lord

Monday, January 28, 2013

Bergere Pair {French Chairs Before & After}

A little before & after action for you today... 

I found this pair of Bergere chairs in really good condition at a thrift store last summer. I had been on the lookout for a pair of French chairs like this for a while, so when I saw the price, I grabbed the tag and ran right up to the register. I wasn't sure exactly how I was going to make them over at that point, but after reading through Jenny's awesome tutorial for reupholstering this type of chair, I knew it was something I wanted to tackle.

I'm really thrilled with how they turned out. I bought the fabric last fall, but didn't start in on this project until about a month ago. So when I pulled it back out, I started second-guessing myself. But I love it!

Here are some close-up shots:


By far the most difficult part of this entire thing was just getting myself motivated to get to work.
Oh, and sanding. I hate sanding.
So what do you think??
I'm still on the fence as to whether I'm going to keep these or sell them at Lilac Row. However, one certain little somebody has made herself (and her tea party) right at home with the chairs. :)

Linking up:

Friday, January 18, 2013

Winner winner, chicken dinner

Congratulations to the winner of our little giveaway this week:
"I am a new follower who discovered your blog last week. I love all of your creative and lovely ideas. This scarf is great too...wish I knew how to knit!!"
Jessie- email me at strangeandlovelyride (at) gmail (dot) com and I'll send you your scarf and earrings!
Happy weekend!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

a new routine

It has been an adjustment- this whole not working thing.

I've really had to be purposeful and plan ahead and make lists for myself to keep on track and not waste time. Because being home all day, every day (even with a toddler), leaves you quite a bit of time to sit around watching the telanovellas in your sweats. Which is frankly the last thing I want to do. But I'm finding if I brainstorm a few projects or ideas and make a list for myself of things I hope to accomplish on a certain day, I stay on track and feel productive. Of course there's always lots of time in there for play-doh and tea parties with the munchkin.

All of that to say- I am now striving to treat Lilac Row as my "job". I love it and am thankful for the opportunity to be creative in my work.

For whatever reason, January is our best-selling month. I have no idea if that's a retail trend or not. But we are very thankful and feeling blessed this month. It's really encouraging and has lit a fire under us to get creative and come up with some great items for our booth.
Have I mentioned how much I love this? It's the perfect, varied creative outlet for me. My real dream is to someday have a retail space of my own for Lilac Row. A cute little shop with a workspace in the back. This lady has given me serious inspiration and food for thought as she pursues the same dream.
All of this to say... I'm getting there. I'm figuring out my new routine, my new normal in the day to day. And it's good. Starting each morning with time in my bible and putting on praise & worship music while we eat breakfast and tinker around in the morning helps me get focused and prepared for the day.
A shower would probably help as well, but baby steps here, people. ;)

Monday, January 14, 2013

Giveaway! {Win a Hand Knit Infinity Scarf + Coral Drop Earrings}

Time for my first ever giveaway!

After whipping up this cozy infinity scarf for myself last weekend, I decided someone else should have one as well. So here's your chance to dress up your neck and keep it warm at the same time. Or score the perfect gift for your sister or best friend!

Fashion blogger, I am not. But hubby refused to pose for pics :)

The scarf is thick and warm, and a pretty charcoal grey color. It's 55 inches long, which is perfect for looping it around your neck twice. I love how wide this scarf is, too.
And I also decided to throw in a pair of Lilac Row Coral Drop Earrings!
I have these earrings in black and I love them.

 To enter:
Become a follower of this blog OR follow Lilac Row on Facebook. Or both!
Leave a comment for each entry. The winner will be announced later this week.

Good luck!


Sunday, January 13, 2013

this weekend...

... I've been hard at work on these babies. Finally!

I am this close to finishing the reupholstery portion of the game. Toddler naps and cramped up claw hands keep me taking breaks on the regular. Staple guns are no joke.

But I can't wait to show you the before and after pics soon! Fingers crossed that it will be this week. We all know how I am with self-imposed deadlines. I bought them with the intent of redoing them to sell, buuuuutt... I don't know about that now. They may be sticking around our house for the time being.

Also, be sure to come back tomorrow- I'll be announcing my first ever giveaway on this little blog! Fun fun.

Happy Sunday!

P.S. Who will be watching Downton Abbey with me tonight???

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

life via the ol iphone

Here's a little bit of what we've been up to, according to my phone...

Reunited & it feels so good... lunch with an old BFF.
The Mediterranean joint we chose was out of... wait for it... HUMMUS.

A fun antiquing find we couldn't possibly pass up.

Lounging with Grandpa & the puppies.

Blue-eyed cutie pies.
Crocheting 101.

Some sweet V Day goods at Lilac Row.
Riding home with the cool kids.

My latest knit creation: a cowl/infinity/whatchamacallit scarf.
I am in LOVE with this thing and am thinking about whipping one up to give away later this week. Stay tuned!

Monday, January 7, 2013


I really wasn't planning on making any resolutions this year. Mine are always the same (workout on the regular, eat better, read my bible more, etc) and always wane off after a few weeks of gung-ho excitement. It just feels kind of pointless to me. Because truthfully? Last year sucked. It was one of the roughest of my life. And I was more than happy to wrap it up and kick it to the curb. Sayonara 2012.  Good riddance.

My heart longs for only one thing this year. A baby. And resolving to have a child in the upcoming year isn't exactly your typical new year's resolution. I mean, it's not exactly up to me. Not even a little bit. So making a bulleted list to do x y & z to reach that goal is pointless.

But if there's one thing I don't want to do, it's let this longing swallow me up. It would be so easy to let the pain of our losses and each month of disappointment pull me under. Especially in these dreary winter months. I can see how it happens to so many... how depression and sadness can creep in when you're not looking. Which is why I want to keep my eyes open during this season. This unexplainable, lonesome season that we're walking through. I don't want to get so bogged down in sadness or disappointment that I miss all the wonder of life going on around me. I don't want to waste one precious day with my girl because I just couldn't see past my underlying grief.

So I won't. I will enjoy 2013. I am going into this year with hope and anticipation and I can't wait to see what it brings.

And I have decided on a resolution... I want to more sensitive and thoughtful to my family and friends. To get out of my own mind and world and spend more time building and growing those relationships.

I want to be a better daughter. A better step-daughter, a better daughter-in-law. I want to be the best kind of friend and sister.* I want to be a friendly neighbor and take the time to really see those around me. Who they are, what they're going through and how I might bless them. I want to get out of myself. I want my focus to be on others this year... not simply on myself.

So many times I think- so and so would love this, or I should send this person a card to tell them I was thinking of them or just stop by and leave a little note on this person's door to surprise and bless them. And then I don't do it. I really want to make it a point to do those things when they cross my mind. To show those around me that they are on my heart. Plus it sounds like fun!

*And of course I want to be a better wife and mother, but I'm leaving those off my list because, frankly, those are things I already think about and try to do each day already. :)

So any big resolutions for you this year?

Thursday, January 3, 2013

happy new year!

I can hardly believe that Christmas has come and gone! We spent most of the past few weeks sick as dogs. I'm pretty certain I had a full blown sinus infection over Christmas, but we'll never know for sure. Good times. And now I'm happy to pack up all of the decorations and start getting back to normal.
I hope your holidays were great!