Sunday, February 12, 2012

Meal planning, aka, Operation Eat With Intent

 Well, I did it. I stalked my yummy board on Pinterest this afternoon, weeded through my coupon pile (mostly just throwing out a million expired ones) and made a stinking meal plan for the week, patting myself on the back the whole way. Way to go, Aja! Kudos! Bravo! 

That's the hard part, right?? 


We then proceeded to hit up Target for groceries, only to find that half of the city was stocking up on their End of the World supplies and canned tuna. Seriously. We have had the mildest winter ever, and now the weather boys are calling for falling temps (and yes, it's flippin cold) tonight and a big front to hit us around midnight. Some snow and possibly ice for the morning drive. 

Why must everyone freak out over a little weather?? It's the same thing whenever it rains- everyone clams up like a teenager in driver's ed, going annoyingly slow and playing it fast and loose with the brake pedal. It's just water!! Yes, be careful, but you still need to drive!! 

I digress. After waiting in an 8 person deep line (I am blessed with being able to pick the shortest line and finding the best parking spaces. Always.Which should tell you something about the lines. Grr.), we survived the crazy-eyed alarmists and made it home. And if all of that doesn't kill the cooking mood for you, you're a Julia Child saint. Cause I'm certainly not cooking tonight.

But here's what I'll be making the rest of the week. In no particular order whatsoever:

Baked Creamy Chicken Taquitos

via Pennies on a Platter

Crusted Honey Mustard Chicken

via Weight Watchers

Ham and Cheese Sliders

via The Girl Who Ate Everything

Chicken Pesto Calzones

via My Kitchen Addiction

Zucchini Cakes

via Life's Ambrosia

So there we go. The plan for the week. I may or may not switch up the taquitos with ground beef, since we're looking heavy on the chicken. No promises! Also, please with me luck on the zucchini cakes.. this is new territory around our house, so fingers crossed that it goes over well with the crowd.

So what are you cooking up this week? Were you the lady at Target who elbowed my baby trying to get to the last can of mixed nuts?? Fess up!!


  1. The taquitos and the sliders are awesome. Must have missed you in line at Target today. I was about 100 people deep in the express lane.

  2. Yummy! Those all look delicious! I was with the crazies at WalMart yesterday. An old man almost got run over by a crazy lady's cart!! Sheesh people!

  3. Your little menu looks delish! Those sliders!! And that Crusted Honey Mustard Chicken!! Yum! You'll have to give us some reviews...

  4. How I hate the grocery! But look at this menu! Scrumptious. You will have to let us know what you loved most:)


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