Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Bumpdate 2.0 {27 Weeks}

How far along? 27 Weeks
Weight Gain: 14 lbs
How Big is Baby? The size of a cauliflower or rutabaga 
Maternity Clothes? Still only my 2 pairs of jeans. I think I'm in denial. I even purchased some regular workout leggings (for allll the working out I'm doing), that will clearly only work for a limited amount of time. Denial. I can't wait until it's full on dress weather around here.
Stretch Marks? None
Sleep: It's okay. Not great, not horrible. I have been getting tired in the afternoons again, but who has time for a nap!? 
Best Moment of the Week: Honestly? Enjoying the total spring weather that finally decided to show up. The warm sun on my face has never felt so good!
Movement: Yes, tons! It's been cool to actually see them from the outside.
Food Cravings: Sweets after dinner
Gender: BOY!
What I Miss: Feeling comfortable laying down and an adult beverage every now and then.
What I'm looking forward to: Working on the nursery. I MUST make this a priority!
Symptoms: Braxton Hicks, some low back pain and general largeness.
Emotions: They're good! The crying still happens, but you know, 3 year olds will do that to you. ;)

Here I am at 27 weeks with Evie, if you want to compare!