Once again, giving this kid a combo update. :) And I'm still late! Sorry, Beck. #secondchildprobs
8 months
Well, our little fella is finally on the move! The crawling commenced this month and my days of being able to sit him down and walk away for a hot second are officially over. But I love seeing his little chubby self crawl around. And he's been so proud of himself and happy to be able to follow after his big sister.
Beckett is all boy. It's funny to me how different he is from Evie, even just physically. He's aggressive! He likes to pound and slap his hand down on the table or our chests or face, if we're especially lucky. :) He's always grabbing for our noses and mouths and daddy's ears. And yelling or grunting at the same time. It cracks me up. And changing a diaper or clothes is never an easy feat. Evie was so content to just lay there and talk to us, but this guy rolls like it's his job! He rolls and stretches and screeches and generally acts like we are performing some sort of torture on him. Fun times!
He is still loving his food. Any and all food and
right this minute with my dinner, thank you very much! When he sees me getting his bowl out, he cranes his neck to peer around the fridge and see what I'm doing, then he starts to howl until I actually shovel something into his mouth. It's pretty funny. And slightly maddening. Dinnertime is the worst, for whatever reason. It's basically a screamfest between bites, because we're just not fast enough. See what I mean? ALL BOY.
Oh! And we finally got some teeth in this month! Two on the bottom, which popped through about 10 days apart. They're so cute, but I'll miss that gummy little grin.
shenanigans |
Evie loves being a big sister and Beckett sure does love her back. Their sweet little relationship is just about the best thing ever. She is very protective over him and is SO helpful to me, especially now that he's mobile. She will stay in a room with him and watch over him when I ask her to (you know- so I can use the restroom or some such, in peace). And they have really started to play together more in the playroom. Which is nice, because our playroom has a door. :) Love these love bugs.
9 months
Well, the mobility has continued this past month! Beckett Boy has taken his crawling to the next level, pulling up on any and everything. And if that wasn't enough, he is now cruising around furniture, too! I can hardly believe we're to this stage already!
It's pretty cute to see his determined little face, though. He'll spot something he wants on the coffee table and go after it with some steely determination. His favorite is definitely the tv remote. And if we don't remember to close all the doors in the hall/entry, he heads straight for the bathroom or the mudroom to find the dog's food. Gross! I don't think he's ever actually made it there to get his grubs on the dog food, but there's no doubt that's where he's going!
Beckett got his top two teeth in this month and I feel like a few more might be working as well. He now has all 4 center teeth and it's been a little reprieve from the drooling and fussy teething, which is nice.
What wasn't fun, was his very first ear infection. Evie got her first ear infection mid-February, and hers was pretty bad. Our pediatrician happened to check Beck's ears while we were getting Evie checked, and he did have a slight infection. Thankfully it never got bad enough to warrant antibiotics. We probably never would have known had the doctor not checked! We are all extremely ready for this winter and all it's sickness to be over. Bring on spring!

I just love this sweet little guy so much. It's up for debate on who his favorite person is these days. He's a mama's boy for sure, but boy does he get excited every day when daddy gets home! He screeches and makes a beeline for him and basically wants daddy to hold him for the rest of the evening. It's pretty sweet. Beckett isn't really saying any words yet, but boy does he "talk"! We thought he would be our quiet one. :) He's always making noises and doing his heavy breathing. It's hilarious. He will say "dadadadaaaa" but not necessarily at/to daddy. BUT! He did FINALLY start to say a version of "mama"- usually when he's upset or wants me to pick him up. Yay!
We love you to the moon and back, Beckett Cullen! You are our dreams and prayers come true and we are SO thankful you are a part of our family.