1. Yesterday at work I caught a whiff of something or other and it totally reminded me of my Grandma's homemade tortillas. And now I need some in my life. Like STAT. I may just be forced to dust off the ol' rolling pin..
2. I don't know what the weather's been like in your neck of the woods, but around here it's been gorgeous! Only the spring/summer-like temps are being completely RUINED* by the flippin high-seas winds rolling across the plains. I.have.had.enough.
3. My husband is turning Dirty Thirty in a matter of days. I haven't decided how I feel about this yet. Only that I'm still over-the-moon elated that he is and forever will be older than me. Cradle Robber. :)
4. I finally ordered our
new rug from PB! I'm so excited to start re-doing our front living room and make it into a usable space for our family. Plus- projects!! The only annoying part is that it won't ship until mid-May. Ugh. But with gift cards and merchandise credits, I only paid $25 for it, so I can't complain!
5. Swimsuit season is weaseling it's way in again.. so my question is, can I still wear a bikini now that I'm a mom?? If you ask the Real Housewives of XX, you'll get a resounding YES with a side of two sizes too small. I'm still on the fence, but if my vanity in the tan line department is any indicator, I'm sure I'll be busting out a two piece once again. But I'm sure I'll need a new one (or three), so there's a little shopping light-at-the-end-of-the-tunnel somewhere in there. Because we all know there is NOTHING more fun than swimsuit shopping.
6. Is Easter late this year, or what? I'm still trying to figure out what we're going to do... Don't worry- Evie already has her Easter outfit- but what else do I need to be working on? Do we hide eggs?? Rent a bunny and baby chick for pictures?? Put fake grass all over the house? Make hubby dress up in a giant rabbit costume and chase the kids around, ala Steel Magnolias?? Please fill me in.
7. Since Evie's "learned" to roll from her tummy to her back, a few times we have come in to find her on her back (she's a tummy sleeper) when she wakes up from a nap. She usually has a bewildered look on her face, like what the heck is going on? Last night when I got up for her 1:30 am feeding, I found her on her back, with her head at the foot of the crib! Now that's some rolling and tumbling. Who knows how long she had been like that. So now my problem becomes teaching her how to roll back onto her tummy. You know, so I don't get "summoned" multiple times a night by a chubby little baby wondering why she's awake and can see her toes.
8. Happy Moving Day to my dad and stepmom!! We can't wait to come visit and see the new digs!
That's it. So long and fairwell and have a great weekend!
*I totally contemplated writing RUINT, just to ruffle your feathers.