Thursday, January 31, 2013

a heart of worship

Earlier this week, as we were running errands, I had my favorite worship song on in the car.

When I lost my first baby, I would lock myself in my office at work and play this song over and over and just cry and worship.

I continued to listen to the entire album when I was pregnant with Evie. And when she was colic and crying endlessly in those early months, I would hum and sing this same song to her. Over and over.

Worship has always been a huge part of me. I am so moved by music and I feel the presence of God so strongly in times when I let my whole heart, mind and spirit worship. It's always a very emotional experience for me and it stirs my soul in the very best way. And I want that for Evie, too. The desire to teach my daughter to worship has been heavy on my heart lately. I want her to sing with abandon and not care what anyone else around her thinks. I want songs of praise to come out of her mouth without a thought, because that's what she hears and because that's what's in her heart.

... for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.
Luke 6:45

So I have been trying to be more intentional with my worship, in front of my daughter. She takes it all in these days and mimics so much of what we do and say. I want worship to be a part of our everyday life... as normal as eating breakfast and pulling every single book off the shelf and terrorizing the dog.

And so because of this desire, I can't express how happy it made my mama heart when I realized that Evie was singing along with me in the car. Her sweet little voice knew the words. And she may not realize quite yet that she is praising and giving glory to Jesus, but He knows.

And so do I.

I pray these words burrow down deep in her heart. That she never forgets them, that she finds herself singing them mindlessly. Until the day when she realizes what she is singing, who she is praising and how important these words are.

The spirit now living and dwelling within me
Keep my eyes fixed ever upon Jesus' face
Let not the things of this world ever sway me
I'll run 'till I finish the race

Now unto the lamb who sits on the throne
Be glory and honor and praise
All of creation resounds with the song
Worship and praise him the Lord of Lords
Holy Lord
You are Holy
Jesus Christ is the Lord


  1. That is the sweetest thing ever! I bet to hear her little voice is just priceless! You are such a good mom! I'd love to see you soon!!

  2. That is just precious!! Truly precious! I love talking to Alex about God and Jesus. Just the honesty and pureness of his innocent questions warms my heart. I love that he asks and I love the in explaining things to him, it is the simplest reminder of who He is and His love for us. You are such a great momma!!

  3. Oh Aja, that is beautiful! What a blessing!!!

  4. That post just made my heart so happy and brought back a flood of memories. When I was little, mom and I would sing hymns the entire time we were in the car. Of course, I had no idea they were hymns at the time, nor did I comprehend their meaning but as an adult those words come back to me and bring me such peace and joy. You are doing such a wonderful thing Aja! Keep up the good work...

  5. How sweet! You are blessed:)

  6. Love this! Someone taught me years ago that what goes into kid's ears goes into their mind and heart and comes back out of them. When Jude was a baby I refused to listen to non-Christian music when he was in the car. We ALWAYS listen to Christian music with our kids in toe. It has been such a blessing seeing my boys worship freely and know every word to every song Christian radio, Jesus Culture, Kari Jobe and Jared anderson have to offer. I just love it. So happy Evie loves to worship!


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