Thursday, January 3, 2013

happy new year!

I can hardly believe that Christmas has come and gone! We spent most of the past few weeks sick as dogs. I'm pretty certain I had a full blown sinus infection over Christmas, but we'll never know for sure. Good times. And now I'm happy to pack up all of the decorations and start getting back to normal.
I hope your holidays were great!


  1. Looks like someone was a good girl this year!! It's so much more fun as the kiddos kind of start to "get" Christmas. Although we still had to wake Alex up to see what Santa brought.

    Beautiful family pics!!

  2. Seriously?? When did she become A LITTLE GIRL?! She is gorgeous! Looks like a wonderful Christmas!

  3. the 3 of you make such a beautiful family...hope it's a wonderful year for all of you!

  4. how did our girls get so big!! she is adorable!!


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