Friday, October 29, 2010

Tiny Dancer Update

Happy Friday!

I just had my 34 week appointment this morning.. Our baby girl looks great, but is measuring a little small. Is anyone surprised?? I'm not. She's our teeny tiny girl!

Anyway the doctor is not overly concerned, but wants me to start coming in every week. Typically my weekly appointments wouldn't start until after 36 weeks. He's guessing she weighs about 4lbs 2oz right now (but we all know how accurate those estimations are- they're almost never correct!) and is measuring in the 11th percentile. That's where the potential concern comes in. Basically they get concerned when a baby is in the top or bottom 10 percent. So she's not in that zone, but pretty close.

The reason she's small has nothing to do with calories or how much I'm eating- it has to do with blood supply from the placenta. So they need to keep an eye on things to make sure the blood flow is good and on track to keep her healthy. Obviously if they see a problem with that, it's an immediate emergency, because she needs it to live! BUT, we're not worried about it right now- everything looks like it's working and flowing correctly.

So what this means is that my doctor may want to deliver me early. At like 37 weeks, depending on how things go.


I'm not at all thrilled with the idea of inducing, but of course want what's best for this precious baby! I've had some feelings lately that she would be coming early, so that's not a problem for me.. I just can't wait to meet her, I just want her to be healthy and whole and to come in His perfect timing!

So I'm asking for prayers to cover myself and this baby girl.. that she would stay inside of me for as long as she needs to, to grow big and strong.. that my body would continue to nourish and care for her the way it's intended to do so.. and that she would come on her own, at exactly the right time! Also, that we would have a safe (and short!) delivery.

Thank you!!

P.S. This little girl was in the perfect, head-down position today. :)


  1. YEA...she's in position...I knew she'd be a good lil girl and be obedient and do as you asked...head down & ready to go!! I'm so excited!

  2. i am sure all will be well, and she will continue to grow and will come when she is ready:) She is going to be adorable!!

  3. You are so in my prayers. Little Finley measured very small and Allison had to get several ultrasounds because she was going through the same thing...just made labor easier :).


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