Saturday, December 11, 2010

Christmas Card 2010

I think it goes without saying that our holiday card will be going out a little bit late this year. I've been working on them all day today, in fact. It's tricky tricky stuff to get a good photo when your subject matter has the appetite of a sumo wrestler and somehow got the notion that mom is an all you can eat Chinese buffet. Thank goodness we decided to leave hubby and I out of the pic this year.. I don't even want to think about trying to get all three of us looking good and un-hungry at once.

But we're working with what we got.

I thought I would share a few of the pictures that didn't make the cut for this year's card..

I wasn't joking about being hungry again. Seriously. FEED ME!

Naked+Jazz Hands+Velvet Stocking= Christmas Card Photo FAIL

Are you KIDDING me with this hat??

Seriously Mom, no more pictures!

This one speaks for itself. It very nearly made the cut.


  1. Seriously hilarious! I think you should actually include one of those :). She is so cute!!!

  2. OMG these are too adorable!! And now I feel like a total loser because you have a newborn and have managed to get your cards out way before me!

    She is just beautiful!!!

  3. Oh, I looooove your little, tiny baby! I barely can imagine mine that small anymore. Soooo happy for you girlie!!

  4. so funny! she is so cute~ can't wait to see how the card turned out:)

  5. So cute! Love the newborn wrinkles. Can't wait to get more of those around here:).


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