Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Water Baby

This is how we've been spending the past few evenings.. crouched down on the pavement of our patio, smiling and babbling with our blue-eyed babe while she splishes and splashes and chows down on a rubber turtle.

A perfect little end-of-the-day ritual, complete with a naked baby and an outdoor bath at the end.

** She inherited the furled brow straight from her daddy. And those squishable thighs? That's all mama. We're still trying to figure out where the baby blues came from!


  1. ah she looks so cute--love her big blue eyes, and yay for summer time!

  2. Oh my gosh, she's gotten so big!!! Beautiful girl:) Great way to end the day- it's beyond hot here already and my 15 month old loves splashing around in the little blow up pool:)

  3. My word, she's so stinking cute!! Those eyes kill me.


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