Tuesday, September 6, 2011

A Nice Long(winded) Weekend

Hi friends! How was your weekend?

Ahhh.. SO enjoyable once Sunday rolled around with that aMAZing cool front! It literally lifted my mood about 5 million points!

My dad and step-mom came into town for a visit, so we had a lot of fun. We hit up the local aquarium on Saturday for some good old fashioned swampland fun. In case you weren't aware, I live in the middle of the country, so Flipper and his friends aren't exactly in the neighborhood. That means man-sized catfish, snapping turtles and a tank full of Nemos. Add in a heavy dose of locals on a holiday weekend and you have yourself a regular old state fair atmosphere, complete with SMELLS. And I'm not talking about the live bait.

In all it was a fun time and I know my parents loved taking Evie around and showing her every little critter and sea urchin. She squawked and HI'd every kid in the place. Also? Sister loves her some people watching. Which is odd, because neither of her parents thinks sitting and staring and commenting on the varieties of outfits, hair-dos and couplings that walk by sounds like a perfectly fun Saturday afternoon activity. Nope. Neither one of us.

With the dip in temps on Sunday, I decided to bust out the leggings. I had decided it would be a lazy Sunday for me, as sleep has been eluding us the past few nights. Ahem.

(Teething = no bueno and somehow leggings = lazy.)

Anyway, leggings sounded cozy and fall-ish and low maintenance when coupled with my dirty hair and hat combo.  And it's not that I think you can't wear leggings in the summer, but I choose not to, mainly based on principle. That principle being that it's HOT and I have lived through a live version of the episode of Friends where Ross tries to pry on his leather pants with lotion one too many times. My lesson has been learned.

So cozy clothes, dirty hair and and open window with a cool breeze while I napped sounded right up my alley. Discovering that I had been wearing my underwear inside out half the day only solidified my campaign for nap number two.

By Sunday evening I was feeling refreshed enough to head to a friend's house for a cook out. Evie entertained the crowd and showed off her affinity for avocados. Then she showed mom a little tooth that's trying to break through. Cue me spiraling into some mommy guilt for getting frustrated after the 5th wake up the night before. My poor baby was in pain! So I dosed her up with some children's tylenol and she slept like a (toothless) baby that night.

On Monday we decided to get outside for the last ball game of our town's minor league season. I have since decided that I will now only be attending outdoor sporting events when the temps are hovering at 79 degrees. Pure bliss I tell you! A nice lady handed us two free tickets as we were walking up to the ticket booth, so when it came time for treats I went a little crazy and ordered a Dip'n Dots with that teeny little baseball hat container. Remember those?? Yeah, apparently they're still around.

It's worth noting that this was Evie's first real experience with.. wait for it... GRASS. Yep. We spread out the blanket, plopped her down and watched her scramble over to run her fingers through it. She was also pretty confounded by the shadow of her hand. I thought something might seriously be wrong when she kept awkwardly waiving her arm in the same way over and over while staring at the ground. :)

We ended our long weekend with a second neighborhood walk that turned out to be one walk to many for our portly dog. He pretty much gave up at the halfway point. I won't even mention what a tight squeeze it is for him to fit through his doggy door. Wouldn't want to embarrass anyone.

So that's how we celebrated and labored this weekend! How about you? See any non-native fish or touch grass for the first time?? 

1 comment:

  1. Funny you mentioned about your underwear, I seem to discover mine is inside out more often than not. I must dress in a frenzy with no attention to detail!

    Sounds like you had a great weekend!


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