Thursday, May 17, 2012

Project 52:20 {baby blues}

thankful for...
baby blues

My blue-eyed girl.

Never in a million years did I imagine I would have a blue-eyed baby. I kept expecting them to change when she was tiny.. everyone thought they would. Especially me. But after a few months we realized they were staying blue. And gosh, I love them. So big and pretty and clear.

But in the last few weeks I've noticed them changing. I can see tiny flecks of gold and hazel in the middle where it was only blue seas before. Truthfully, it makes me a little sad to think they won't always be blue. But I'm thankful for her baby blues while she was a baby (she still is my baby!), and I can't wait to see how they change as she grows.

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Read more about my Project 52.

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  1. that pic with her hat is just too adorable!! i'm gonna do a pencil sketch of it for you!!!!

  2. she does have the prettiest big blues! darling babe!


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